Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In the swim of things... Finally!

Well I finally feel like this whole swimming thing is coming back to me. I have actually had some good workouts the past 2 days and not only good for me but good under Joszef standards. Last night we did this set, that last year totally BROKE me, and I mean broke me I was done for a few weeks after it but last night I dominated it and it was way easier than ever before.
5x200 long course breast pull with fins and paddles, they have to be under 2.30 and are on 3 mins. My times were, 2.27, 2.24, 2.24, 2.23, 2.22
then a bit more easy swimming and then all over again this time without paddles, and my times were, 2.24, 2.22, 2.22, 2.20, 2.16!
Pretty awesome to go that fast and not completely break from it, my stroke felt really long and smooth too, and my breathing actually was pretty good. I am discovering that if I breathe almost every second stroke and only out through my nose then I actually can breath. woo hoo!
Other than swimming, just been trying to study away for my exams. Have 2 left, one hard and one mediocre. Can not wait to be done cause on Monday... I am off to VEGAS eee hee hee. Just a little holiday with some friends, it is going to be awesome.
Well back to the books...
ps. had a fabulous Birthday weekend, with the best friends ever. My friend Susan made me quite the delicious and fabulous cake. (I am sure she would be up for hire if there was enough of an incentive)Some of my lovely friends celebrating my quarter day with me :)


Kat said...

Love the cake! Sounds like you are doing great!!

Anonymous said...

I helped make the cake too! i put in the lane markers and the lego ppl!! and was an integral part of the flag banner creation!