Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random things about me

This is a facebook post that is going around but its got some interesting stuff about me so here ya go....
Well for those of you who know me most of these things are not going to come as a surprise or anything new, I am perhaps a bit of a talker and sharer.

1. I love to talk; I love meeting people and can pretty much talk to anyone anywhere. Some people may think this is a bad thing but I love it, I love encountering new people, and talking to them.
2. I have never been shy a day in my life, and love being in front of people, I think I was born to be on stage
3. I absolutely LOVE to shop. Another thing I was born to do, and I think I am pretty good at it. I love finding a great deal, or an amazing buy.
4. On the above note,,, I HATE when people copy me,, it is one of my biggest pet peeves. My mom says I should be flattered but I love trying to be an individual so when I buy something kind of unique it really makes me mad when someone sees it and tells me oo that’s nice and then goes out and buys the same thing.
5. My friends and family are the most important people in my life, they are AMAZING!!
6. I have realized that life doesn’t always go to plan and can be pretty tough sometimes, but that being said I wouldn’t change my past at all, it has made me who I am today.
7. I hate school, always have. Love learning but hate when you are told what you need to know and studying
8. I do not apply myself when it comes to school, I squeak by and figure that is good enough
9. I know I am going to be successful in life because I am too driven and stubborn not to be. When I want to do something I pretty much never give up (this is sometimes not a good thing)
10. I am very disorganized, mostly because I procrastinate and somewhat because I am lazy.
11. I believe in fairytale love, it hasn’t happened yet but one day I know it will.
12. It had been my dream since I was 6 years old to make it to the Olympics, after 18 years it finally came true and was mind blowing.
13. My favorite moment of the Olympics was seeing my family after my 100 breast prelims and my dad was so excited he cried. This just showed me how much it meant not only to me but to my family after all I had been through
14. Swimming is my life, it takes priority over pretty much anything. I love being in the water and training, it makes me feel like home.
15. My goal is to get the tri-fecta that my coach talks about
16. I am a crier. I cry when I am happy, sad, mad, excited, or completely exhausted (kind of like today)
17. My dream job would be being either a movie star or fashion designer.
18. I not so secretly wish I were a singer; I am terrible this I know but it makes me happy and I sing all the time, everywhere no matter who hears me. (It’s a good thing I’m not shy) I love all types of music, especially country, and if I ever was a singer my dream would be to perform as Cossette in Les Miserables
19. I do not have the best eating habits, I love junk food and chocolate. I wish I didn’t have such a sweet tooth
20. I can be a very girly girl, and love the color pink, and wish I owned one of those amazing tutu’s prima ballerinas have.
21. When I grow up I want to live in either New York, Paris, Dublin or Vancouver.
22. I think traveling is one of the greatest things ever, and have been lucky enough to travel this world and have many the adventure.
23. I love Disney and kids movies. I think this comes from having so many little sisters, I always had an excuse to watch little kid movies Peter Pan is my favorite
24. I love reading a great book, I get so into them, and often laugh out loud or cry if necessary. I am also a very speedy ready
25. I should be studying for an English midterm that I am supposed to write tomorrow, but instead I am doing this….

Well hope you enjoyed

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